Video Gallery
Foundation: Complete Recovery is Possible
What would complete recovery from an eating disorder look like? How would your life be different? In this video I will be talking about the 10th principle we teach at Beyond Hunger which states that complete recovery is possible.
Body Love Card: Fullness
Fullness is the bodily experience of having just enough to eat...not too much and not too little. When we slow down, stay conscious and go within, we can hear or feel this natural bodily sensation.
Body Love Card: Observation and Recovery
Observation is the ability to observe and question our behaviors. When we can this with a sense of detachment, curiosity, and no judgment, like a scientist, we can then be safe enough to see our true behaviors. Only by seeing ourselves as clearly and honestly as possible, can we start to understand our behaviors.
It's Not About Food Podcast: Holidays
On this special episode of It's Not About Food, I will be offering my recommendations on how to navigate the holidays with self compassion and care, and without over or under eating.
Body Talk
To see more of my videos, visit my youtube channel
Body talk is how we communicate with our bodies. Communications with our bodies are often full of negative, critical comments which are not only unproductive but make us feel worse and lead to destructive behaviors. When we are aware of how we talk to ourselves, we can learn to stop the mean body talk, or at least slow it down, and create room for more positive, loving, nurturing, and inspirational communication with our bodies.
Mirror Work
“We have found mirror work is one of the most challenging yet most powerful ways of seeing and then communicating with our bodies. It is most challenging because we have spent most of our lives using the mirror as a way to judge our appearance. To change this pattern is very difficult. It means becoming intimate with ourselves. And for most of us who weren’t taught how it do this it can be quite uncomfortable and even scary."
Excerpt from “It's Not About Food, End your Obsession with Food and Weight’, Carol Normandi and Laurelee Roark, Perigee, NY. NY 2008.